Enum Permissions
Bitwise permission flags.
Namespace: DSharpPlus
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public enum Permissions : long
Name | Description |
AccessChannels | Allows accessing text and voice channels. Disabling this permission hides channels. |
AddReactions | Allows adding reactions to messages. |
Administrator | Enables full access on a given guild. This also overrides other permissions. |
All | Indicates all permissions are granted |
AttachFiles | Allows uploading files. |
BanMembers | Allows banning and unbanning members. |
ChangeNickname | Allows changing of own nickname. |
CreateInstantInvite | Allows creation of instant channel invites. |
DeafenMembers | Allows deafening other members in voice chat. |
EmbedLinks | Allows embedding content in messages. |
KickMembers | Allows kicking members. |
ManageChannels | Allows managing channels. |
ManageEmojis | Allows managing guild emoji. |
ManageGuild | Allows managing the guild. |
ManageMessages | Allows managing messages of other users. |
ManageNicknames | Allows managing nicknames of other members. |
ManageRoles | Allows managing roles in a guild. |
ManageWebhooks | Allows managing webhooks in a guild. |
MentionEveryone | Allows using @everyone and @here mentions. |
MoveMembers | Allows moving voice chat members. |
MuteMembers | Allows muting other members in voice chat. |
None | Indicates no permissions given. |
PrioritySpeaker | Allows the use of priority speaker. |
ReadMessageHistory | Allows reading message history. |
SendMessages | Allows sending messages. |
SendTtsMessages | Allows sending text-to-speech messages. |
Speak | Allows speaking in voice chat. |
Stream | Allows the user to go live. |
UseExternalEmojis | Allows using emojis from external servers, such as twitch or nitro emojis. |
UseVoice | Allows connecting to voice chat. |
UseVoiceDetection | Allows using voice activation in voice chat. Revoking this will usage of push-to-talk. |
ViewAuditLog | Allows viewing audit log entries. |