Built-In Attributes
CommandsNext has a variety of built-in attributes to enhance your commands and provide some access control. The majority of these attributes can be applied to your command methods and command groups.
- AliasesAttribute
- CooldownAttribute
- DescriptionAttribute
- DontInjectAttribute
- HiddenAttribute
- ModuleLifespanAttribute
- PriorityAttribute
- RemainingTextAttribute
- RequireBotPermissionsAttribute
- RequireDirectMessageAttribute
- RequireGuildAttribute
- RequireNsfwAttribute
- RequireOwnerAttribute
- RequirePermissionsAttribute
- RequirePrefixesAttribute
- RequireRolesAttribute
- RequireUserPermissionsAttribute
Custom Attributes
If the above attributes don't meet your needs, CommandsNext also gives you the option of writing your own!
Simply create a new class which inherits from CheckBaseAttribute
and implement the required method.
Our example below will only allow a command to be ran during a specified year.
public class RequireYearAttribute : CheckBaseAttribute
public int AllowedYear { get; private set; }
public RequireYearAttribute(int year)
AllowedYear = year;
public override Task<bool> ExecuteCheckAsync(CommandContext ctx, bool help)
return Task.FromResult(AllowedYear == DateTime.Now.Year);
You'll also need to apply the AttributeUsage
attribute to your attribute.
For our example attribute, we'll set it to only be usable once on methods.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class RequireYearAttribute : CheckBaseAttribute
// ...
You can provide feedback to the user using the CommandsNextExtension#CommandErrored
private async Task MainAsync()
var discord = new DiscordClient();
var commands = discord.UseCommandsNext();
commands.CommandErrored += CmdErroredHandler;
private async Task CmdErroredHandler(CommandsNextExtension _, CommandErrorEventArgs e)
var failedChecks = ((ChecksFailedException)e.Exception).FailedChecks;
foreach (var failedCheck in failedChecks)
if (failedCheck is RequireYearAttribute)
var yearAttribute = (RequireYearAttribute)failedCheck;
await e.Context.RespondAsync($"Only usable during year {yearAttribute.AllowedYear}.");
Once you've got all of that completed, you'll be able to use it on a command!
[Command("generic"), RequireYear(2030)]
public async Task GenericCommand(CommandContext ctx, string generic)
await ctx.RespondAsync("Generic response.");